Bruxism treatment

Bruxism is the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth caused by excessive activity of the jaw muscles (masseter muscle). The cause may be a bite misalignment, but it most commonly affects individuals living under high tension and frequently exposed to stress.

Untreated bruxism is the cause of recurring headaches and neck pain, teeth wear, and a square-shaped face. Excessive tension in the jaw muscles leads to their hypertrophy, resulting in significant widening of the face around the jawline.

Procedure Overview:

The procedure is brief and involves injecting botulinum toxin into the jaw muscles to eliminate excessive tension. It is virtually painless and does not require anesthesia.

Indications for the Procedure:

  1. Teeth wear or grinding.
  2. Headaches and neck pain, along with symptoms of temporomandibular joint strain caused by hypertrophied jaw muscles.
  3. Aesthetic considerations.