Filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the human body, serving as a fundamental building block of the skin. It maintains the proper level of moisture and firmness by binding water and stimulating fibroblasts to produce new collagen.

Unfortunately, with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases, leading to loss of skin firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear, and the cheeks and lips lose their volume.

Injecting hyaluronic acid preparations into the dermis effectively replenishes its deficiency, moisturizes the skin, fills wrinkles, restores lost volumes, and stimulates natural regenerative processes in the skin.

Procedure Overview:

The procedure can be performed conventionally using a needle or with the Soft Filing technique using a flexible, blunt-tipped cannula. The Soft Filing technique is very comfortable for patients, limiting the occurrence of bruises and allowing a return to daily activities immediately after the procedure.

Administering hyaluronic acid is an effective and safe procedure when using proven and sterile preparations. Depending on the density of the preparation, skin condition, and injection site, the effects of the procedure last from a few months to over a year. During this time, hyaluronic acid undergoes gradual biodegradation and is completely absorbed, so the treatments need to be repeated. On one hand, this can be considered a drawback, but on the other hand, it is an advantage—changes in appearance are not permanent.

Indications for the Procedure:

  1. Improvement of skin firmness and tension
  2. Enhancement of skin hydration
  3. Reduction of wrinkles and folds
  4. Restoration of lost volumes
  5. Improvement of facial contour