Hyperhidrosis treatment

Hyperhidrosis is a very unpleasant condition characterized by excessive sweating, most commonly affecting the armpits, hands, and feet. In many cases, it is a highly troublesome problem as it can be embarrassing and limits normal functioning. Individuals who sweat excessively often face significant stress and emotional discomfort due to a lack of acceptance from their surroundings. They may avoid social interactions as they are sometimes perceived as neglecting personal hygiene.

Traditional treatment methods such as using antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride, iontophoresis, pharmacological and surgical treatments, provide short-term and questionable results.

An effective, safe, and painless method is a procedure using botulinum toxin. It involves subcutaneous injection of the toxin into the area affected by excessive sweating. The procedure blocks the activity of sweat glands, resulting in a reduction in the amount of sweat produced. The response to treatment varies individually, and the treatment effect typically lasts for several months. New nerve connections form in the place of blocked ones, so the procedure needs to be repeated once the effect of the previous treatment diminishes.